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On Drawing


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On Drawing

  • Orwell's Garden 535 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11211 United States (map)

Organized by Mary Temple

Participating Artists:

Sonya Blesofsky, Katherine Bradford, Leslie Brack, Geoff Chadsey, Mike Cloud, Jennifer Coates, Holly Coulis, Jaclyn Conley, Vince Contarino, Amy Cutler, Lisa Corinne Davis, James Esber, Joanne Greenbaum, Glenn Goldberg, Josephine Halvorson, EJ Hauser, Ridley Howard, David Humphrey, Vera Iliatova, Jena Kim, Raul de Lara, RJ Messineo, Tracy Miller, Nyeema Morgan, Sangram Majumdar, Sheila Pepe, Kyle Staver, Mary Temple, Richard Tinkler, Dina Weiss

Earlier Event: October 4
The Brooklyn Artists Exhibition
Later Event: November 30
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